Hygiene plays a very important part in wellbeing of a person. We possibly devote more time at work than we do at home. Hence maintaining a hygienic environment at workplace is critically important; Important for organizations to ensure there are no Operational Breakdowns due to breakout of viral or microbial infections leading to common cold, cough, viral flu etc… Something which can cost the organization way higher than simple absenteeism.
A hygienic workplace not only gives a good impression but also safeguards health.
Top 3 Benefits To Organizations For Maintaining Highest Levels Of Hygiene Security At The Workplace.
Establishing & Maintaining a Healthier Environment
Employee Productivity is one of the most important aspect at the modern workplace & there is a premium that organizations are willing to ensure Health & Hygiene Security for the Employees at the Work Place – This is specially required because the modern workplace is quite the melting pot for people coming from diverse social backgrounds, cultures, employing different modes of transportation where they could be exposed to infections.
By maintaining a proper hygienic environment at work, the risk of harmful bacteria and viruses spreading all over the office is reduced, which in turn reduces the health risks and ensures a safe and healthy work environment.
Washroom Hygiene : Perhaps the most critical link where the risk of acquiring infections is the highest : Employing trained staff for Washroom Cleaning, Provision of good quality Hand Hygiene Products like Handwash Liquid, Hand Sanitizers, Paper Towels, Protection from Acquired Infection while using the Toilet Seat, Providing Professional Sanitary Disposal Bin are some of the ways which could ensure containment of risk.
Make Your Employees Feel Cared For
A clean and hygienic workplace makes the employees feel good – Employees today value the ambience, cleanliness & hygiene besides other facilities available at the work place, & this could play a very important role in increasing productivity levels & reduce attrition. Ill maintained & unhygienic workplaces, on the other hand could lower productivity levels due to poor workplace conditions, sickness due to acquired infections, & drive away high performing employees who would look at companies offering better working conditions.
First Impression is Last Impression
A poor workplace hygiene can create a bad impression of a company. It is not only the employees, the support staff, vendors & clients too judge an organization by the standards of Cleaning & Hygiene maintained. The biggest impression – positive or negative – are the hygiene levels at the washroom. A clean and hygienic environment of workplace reflects good core company values and hence its important to keep the workplace clean.
Hygienetech Can Help You Keep Your Workplace Hygiene Upto The Mark By Offering Quality And Customised Services That Improve And Sustain The Safety And Hygiene. Contact Us For More Details.