

The rainy season is here and while we all relish the smell of the wet mud, cold weather, and sweatless days, there are some downsides that come along with them. One of the most common problems that we tend to experience is an influx of Mosquitoes along with other pests. These ‘tiny little pests’ simply love moisture and the humidity that the Monsoon brings along.

If you do not take proper care of your workplace, then you are likely to experience Mosquito infestation and related diseases like Dengue, Malaria, Filaria, Chikungunya, Zica, and more.

In this blog, let us explore some ways to keep Mosquitoes away from your office and safeguard the overall health of all those working for you.

Get Rid Of Stagnant Water

Stagnant or accumulated water is one of the favourite breeding spots of Mosquitoes. Water collected underneath your Flower Pots, and Clogged Drains are some of the places that we often tend to overlook. Female Mosquitoes tend to lay their eggs in such stagnant water and in no time your office will have thousands of Mosquitoes buzzing over each of your heads.

Keep Windows And Doors Closed

Always remember to keep the Windows and Doors closed especially in the evenings and early mornings. These are the times when Mosquitoes tend to make a grand entry into your office spaces.

Declutter The Office

Get rid of unnecessary things like old files and others that may not be of any use to you now. Mosquitoes tend to hide in any pile of things. Do not forget to empty the trash on a daily basis. Decluttering is one way to keep these pesky pests away from your workspace.

There are plenty of natural solutions like Camphor, Garlic, Coils etc that are widely used by people in an attempt to keep these Pests away, however, all these are temporary and not quite effective & more importantly these unscientific measures could not only adversely impact your health but also be a sore sight for your office.

Professional Help

Seeking professional help from setups is the right way to keep your workplace free of Pests this Monsoon.

To wrap this up, now that the Monsoons are here, it is important to make sure that your office space is free of Mosquitoes and other Pests. Keep your Employees and all those visiting your work premises healthy and free of Pest-induced Diseases.

Why Hygienetech?

Hygienetech offers professional services that understand the Biology, Survival Skills, and Food Habits, and also help in locating and preventing emergence of Mosquitoes. Hygienetech offers unique approach as against conventional wisdom – To attract the mosquitoes towards treated surfaces rather than repel them, and to have an instant knockdown/kill effect on mosquitoes which gives a much better control on the adults in an Office/workplace. Hygienetech also offers a complete array of services for Mosquito control; right from Ovicide (Control of Mosquito Eggs), Larvae Control, Pupae Control, Indoor Residual Spray & Mosquito Fogging Operations.

To learn how Hygienetech can help you keep your workplace Pest and Mosquito-free, please visit or get in touch with us on + 91 9967197333 / 8433727221..