

There is an old saying “The Future of Germs Is In Your Hands” – Well this is not only metaphorical but also has Real Life Implications – In this day & age of infections spreading faster than when you say “Get, Set & Go…….”

Infections do spread through different ways – Some spread through Air while others spread through Hand to Hand Contact, & Yet some through the Fecal-Oral route.

No only Handshakes – The cause to spreading infections could be indirect – A Hand Harbouring Microbes transfers them to the Door Handles which is picked up by the next person using the Door Handle or through simple exchange of Pens, Pen Drives, Paper etc……One just cannot be sure.

It is important to note that this chain can be destroyed by something as simple as a Handwash – When done properly “Handwashing” can stop these microbes from spreading further.

There are a very large number of studies conducted – the results of which are in Public domain – which cannot stress enough the importance of practicing “Good Hand Hygiene” – The one common factor emerging amongst most of the research is that “Improper Hand Hygiene” is perhaps the largest cause of the spread of Infections at the Work Place.

Considering how frequently co-workers shake hands and touch public surfaces throughout the workday, knowing how many germs these unwashed colleague’s hands could be spreading is alarming.

Since our hands are responsible for the spread of 80% of common infectious diseases, effective hand hygiene continues to be universally recognized as the most cost effective means of infection control in the workplace.

Diseases caused due to improper Handwash includes NoroVirus, Nosocomial Infections, Hepatitis A, Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease, Giardiasis, Skin Infections, Shigelossis, Worm Infection, Diahhorea, Pneumonia – These can be prevented if proper Hand Hygiene is Followed.
Hand Hygiene Mainly Consists Of 2 Steps-

1) Hand Washing-:

Washing hands with soap and water for atleast 20 seconds. (Check out the range of Hand Washing Solutions from Hygienetech)

2) Hand Drying-:

Germs love moisture and hence it is important to dry hands thoroughly with paper towels or air dryer. (Check out our range of Hand Drying Solutions)

There is a third step viz. Hand Sanitization through the use of Hand Sanitizers – Though there is a little controversy on this – A lot of experts seems to think that overuse of Hand Sanitizers can lead to resistance & hence the use of Hand Sanitizers too frequently should be avoided

On the lighter side, & In the Indian Context – It would be pertinent to note that Greeting with folded hands “Namaste” as against “Hand Shakes” could be much more safer for all of us.

The Benefits Of Good Hand Hygiene Include-

Reduced spread of bacteria, viruses & hence infections.

Reduced incidence of illness & abseentism.

Healthier staff and Greater Productivity.

Workplaces are encouraged to adept and implement hand hygiene culture.

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Below Are Few Tips To Encourage Your Staff Members And Implement Good Hand Hygiene Culture At Workplaces –

  • Train and educate employees on importance of hand hygiene.
  • Eye catching posters at germ hot-spots can serve as prompt reminders.
  • Ensure hand hygiene accessories are easily available.
  • Supply the restroom with materials that make handwashing easy and pleasant, such as handwash, handwash dispensers, paper towels, paper towels dispenser, etc (Check out our range of Hand Hygiene Solutions)
  • Hand sanitizer should also be available throughout the workplace for times that employees cannot make it to the sink but need to clean their hands.

At Hygienetech, we take hand hygiene seriously. We can help all types of facilities, including healthcare settings, implement good hand hygiene practices by providing advice, materials and a range of equipment and products.